Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder 3D for print

 Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers

 Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers
 Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers Coffee container for la pavoni coffee grinder  3d model for 3d printers
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Alex Skoruppa

3d model description

This is an alternative coffee container for the La Pavoni Jolly Dosato coffee grinder. I wanted to have just a container without the portioning system... where I can just take out the ground coffee with a spoon.

3d model print parameters

Print all 3 parts, e.g. with PETG in 0.2mm layer height and ~40% infill. You'll also need 3 x M3 threaded brass inserts for the lit handle and for the... metal brace from the original container.


La pavoni Coffee machine Coffee container Coffee grinder


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